Wednesday, October 9, 2013

On the "Right" Side?

I've seen another growing traffic trend in India that has me on tenterhooks. Consider the figure above that depicts a two-way road and on which driving occurs on the left-hand side. Assume that there's a vehicle in the spot marked by the blue arrow and that wants to take a right turn onto the road. It's reasonable to suppose that the driver of this vehicle will wait for the traffic to clear in the lane with the green up arrow and then join the lane with the green down arrow - as is indicated by the blue lines. Of course if there's traffic in the lane marked with the green up arrow, then the driver of the vehicle has to wait for this to clear before they make the turn. Right?

Wrong. What I've repeatedly seen - and this habit is growing exponentially popular - is quite exasperating. A large number of vehicles - most notoriously two-wheelers - follow the path taken by the red arrow and lines when taking the same right turn. In other words, rather than wait for the traffic in the lane marked by the green up arrow to clear, they come barreling down on the wrong side and then "merge" into the lane marked with the green down arrow when they see a chance. So, if you're happily cruising along in your lane, you have to watch out for oncoming traffic on both sides! It's very stressful. To make matters worse some people turn on their lights and continue heading up the wrong way - as if this gives them some royal right of way to continue on!

Waiting a few moments to make the turn correctly to ensure the safety of all involved doesn't seem too much of an ask. In this case, being on the right side is actually being on the wrong one.

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